Preparing for Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser Hair Removal guidelines to achieve the best results prior to your visit.
- We ask that you are freshly showered or bathed with completely clean skin, without lotions, oils, creams or fragrances of any kind before coming in.
- The treatment area should be shaved completely prior to treatment. Legs should be shaved no sooner than 24 hours prior to your appointment to avoid irritation. DO NOT wax, tweeze, epilate or bleach your hair between laser treatments. ONLY shave if you have to.
- Avoid sun exposure to the treatment area, and do not use UV tanning beds AT ALL for 4 weeks before treatment and during the course. This includes fake tanning for 2 weeks prior to your treatment. I cannot use a laser machine on you if you arrive with a tan.
- DO NOT have Botox injections, dermal filler injections, chemical peels or micro dermabrasion in the treatment area for at least 14 days before laser hair removal.
- Use a SPF of 30 or above on a daily basis (rain or shine) 4 weeks before and during your treatment.
- Please wear appropriate / loose fitting clothing which will allow the heat to escape the skin after your treatment.
- Drink at least 1 litre of water the day before and the day of treatment - this helps your body to regulate its own temperature.
- Provide your technician with an accurate and up to date medical history in order to receive safe and effective treatments.
- To achieve the best results, complete the full treatment schedule at the intervals recommended by Adorabella.
I realise sometimes life gets in the way! If you cannot make a scheduled laser hair removal appointment, please give at least 48 hours notice (the more notice the better please!) to allow another client to use your slot. Thank you
Thank you for reading and following these laser hair removal pre-visit guidelines. They are for your benefit to give you the best possible results.